Ollie Health

Health Tech | South Africa

Ollie makes access to mental healthcare effortless

What they do:

Ollie Health provides an online B2B2B SAAS platform that connects healthcare providers (therapists) with consumers. All providers are accredited, trained, and experienced licensed psychologists & therapists. They have numerous providers across 4 countries with the aim to offer 24 hour availability for live sessions across time zones.

Why we invested:

Over 1 billion people are living with a mental disorder and in developing countries, many of these people (>75%) don’t have access to or receive treatment for these disorders. These mental health disorders impact corporations both in terms of productivity and financial cost. The annual lost workdays due to stress or burnout amount to $400M with the global cost attributed to related turnover and reduced productivity amounting to $322B. Following the spotlighting of the impact of mental health in the workforce, certain countries are implementing various mandates around companies being required to offer mental health services for employees including Germany, the UK and the Netherlands.

The Founder:

Marc Gregory-Knowles is the Founder and CEO of Ollie Health

Active in:

South Africa