
Health tech  | Cote D'Ivoire

Meditect digitizes pharmacy supply chains for affordable, quality drugs in Africa.

What they do:

Meditect develops digital solutions to enhance the efficiency of stakeholders in sub-Saharan Africa, notably through highly innovative pharmacy management software.

At the end of 2022, Meditect  launched a pharmacy management software offering user-friendly software with unique features to improve inventory management for pharmacies and other value-add services for patients. Meditect is also expanding its clients to healthcare stakeholders such as corporates, NGO, Development Finance Institutions and public authorities seeking to gather and analyze healthcare data in their countries of operations.

Why we invested:

Healthcare and pharmaceuticals in Africa is highly fragmented and highly fragmented and multi-layered with several points between manufacturing and dispensation, with a detrimental impact on the availability, affordability, and quality of health products for consumers. Meditect helps solve this problem in French-speaking West-African countries as an early mover in the market.

The Founder:

Arnaud Pourredon is a Co-founder of Meditect. He studied pharmacy, medicine and public health and has had exposure on several humanitarian missions in Africa before founding Meditect.

Active in:

Senegal, Guinea, Mali, Côte d’Ivoire, Benin, Cameroon, Chad and Congo