
Logistics | Kenya

Amitruck is an innovative solution for logistics professionals.

What they do:

Amitruck is a digital third party logistics marketplace that connects transporters with businesses that need to move cargo across Kenya and East Africa. Amitruck's customer and transporter platforms digitise the middle mile, helping companies optimise their supply chain by having access to a large, flexible fleet that meets exact delivery requirements. Transporters also have access to previously unseen delivery jobs, creating employment and access to opportunity. Amitruck's system exemplifies a seamless integration of technology in logistics, ensuring efficiency and flexibility in cargo transportation.

Why we invested:

Africa has an inefficient logistics sector plagued by poor transport infrastructure that has inhibited the growth of many African logistics markets, with road and rail links between key economic hubs remaining patchy. Moreover, the cost of moving goods across Africa is, on average, estimated to be two or three times higher than in developed countries, and transport costs can represent as much as 50-75% of the retail price of goods. Transport in Africa is riddled with expensive intermediaries: up to 3 brokers between the vehicle and the cargo owner that consume up to 60% of the delivery fee. This lack of security and transparency dramatically increases the costs and liability of transporting goods across the continent.


Mark Mwangi, the founder and CEO of Amitruck, possesses a rich background in investment banking, refined over two decades in London's financial district. His notable experience includes the stewardship of a €5 billion equity portfolio at a Swiss asset management firm. In 2018, Mark redirected his expertise to his homeland, Kenya, founding Amitruck with a mission to enhance the efficiency and reliability of its transport sector. Before embarking on this venture, he led Dalwyn, a UK-based startup, pioneering efforts in the privatization of Europe's gas market. His career path reflects a blend of high-level financial acumen and a commitment to impactful entrepreneurial endeavours.

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