VIA Global Health
Health Tech | South Africa
VIA Global Health is a sourcing and distribution platform
What they do:
VIA Global Health is a procurement platform that enables local and international medical equipment buyers to buy medical equipment directly from manufacturers. The company's platform provides access to difficult-to-source supplies that makes it faster, easier, and more affordable to address points of friction that exist between buyers and sellers.
Why we invested:
The high fragmentation of the medical equipment sales and distribution process for mostly developing countries (African countries) reduces access to quality and affordable healthcare services that are reliant on medical equipment. Low and middle-income countries present a large and growing market but have only a 13% market presence for medical equipment manufacturers. Thus 5.8 billion people lack access to quality affordable healthcare services provided by required medical equipment.
The Founder:
Noah Perin is the Founder and CEO of VIA Global Health.
Active in:
South Africa, Kenya